
Anthony Walsh

Candidate for Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District


Anthony Walsh is a lifelong Minnesotan and a product of Hopkins and Edina Public Schools. Walsh played on the 2013 boys AA state high school hockey championship team, and received his undergrad degree from the University of North Dakota; he also studied abroad in Santiago, Chile and Oslo, Norway. In 2022, he had a children’s book published, and graduated with a Juris Doctor from Mitchell Hamline School of Law in 2023. Anthony now coaches youth hockey in the metro area, is a board member, and works for Hennepin County.

He is running as an Independent candidate because he believes that the two parties no longer represent the interests of the average American, and that the people need a real champion for change.


It is not about promoting or encouraging abortion, but rather acknowledging that each woman's situation is unique, and she should have the freedom to make choices aligned with her personal values and circumstances. A pro-choice stance is grounded in the principles of bodily autonomy, women's rights, and the understanding that reproductive health decisions should ultimately rest with the individual, not dictated by external forces.

Pro-second amendment

I acknowledge the importance of addressing gun violence through sensible regulation, but I believe in the individual's right to own firearms for hunting, sport, and as a means of safeguarding against potential tyranny. I believe in responsible gun ownership, education, adherence to existing laws, and the need to balance public safety with the rights of law-abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional freedoms responsibly.


Putting an end to the forever wars is imperative for restoring global stability, preserving lives, and redirecting resources towards pressing domestic needs. Prolonged military engagements have strained our resources and strained diplomatic relationships, often leading to unforeseen consequences. By prioritizing diplomacy and withdrawing from prolonged conflicts, we can foster a more secure and cooperative international environment while focusing on addressing crucial issues within our own communities.


Decriminalizing cannabis is imperative for three key reasons: Firstly, the thriving billion-dollar industry is hindered by federal regulations, forcing cash transactions and making businesses vulnerable to crime. Secondly, as a medicinal resource for countless Americans, everyone should have the right to access cannabis without government interference in their health choices. Lastly, the personal choice to consume cannabis should be a matter of individual freedom, emphasizing the citizens' right to make decisions about their own well-being.

pro-small business

Citizens United has been widely criticized for allowing corporate interests to exert undue influence over the political process, effectively drowning out the voices of ordinary voters. The decision paved the way for unlimited corporate spending on political campaigns, creating a system where money holds disproportionate sway in elections. To restore balance and foster a more equitable democracy, there is a growing call to recenter our focus on supporting small businesses, which are the lifeblood of local communities and can contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable economy.


It is disheartening to observe that neither major party seems to be wholeheartedly championing the cause of our planet. Environmental issues, including the urgent matter of climate change, often take a backseat to more divisive policy debates. It's time to recognize that our planet's well-being should not be a political bargaining chip but a shared responsibility. Both parties must reassess their priorities and adopt comprehensive policies that prioritize sustainability, conservation, and the transition to clean energy.

holiday for elections

Establishing a federal holiday for voting would signify a commitment to fostering a robust and inclusive democracy, emphasizing the importance of civic engagement. By providing a dedicated day off for voting, we remove barriers that might prevent individuals from participating in the electoral process due to work or time constraints. This move would underscore the significance of every citizen's right to vote, promoting a culture of active participation and reinforcing the democratic values that form the foundation of our nation.


Prohibiting members of Congress from owning, buying, and selling stocks while in office is a necessary step to eliminate potential conflicts of interest and prioritize public service over personal financial gain. This measure would ensure that lawmakers make decisions solely based on the well-being of their constituents rather than on individual stock portfolios. By preventing such conflicts, we can strengthen the integrity of the legislative process and bolster public trust in the democratic representation provided by members of Congress.





